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Lisa McCauley Parles and Denise Rekem Special Education attorneys

Housing Crisis for Some Adults with Disabilities
Lisa Parles appeared on New Jersey Spotlight News to highlight her presentation at the September 24th, 2024 Housing Conference hosted by...
Emergency Housing for NJ Kids with disabilities is so scarce "families often give up"
Lisa Parles of Parles Rekem is quoted in this important article about the crisis level shortage of residential placements for individuals...
"GAO Expert Panel: Youth with Autism transitioning to Adulthood"
On March 4, 2016 Lisa Parles was in Washington, D.C. to testify before the United States Government Accountability Office (GAO) on the...
Lisa McCauley Parles, Esq. Testimony to New Jersey State Assembly Human Services Committee
Testimony of Lisa McCauley Parles, Esq. Regarding DDD’s Statewide Transition Plan New Jersey State Assembly Human Services Committee...
Testimony of Lisa McCauley Parles, Esq. to the New Jersey State Senate Legislative Oversight Committ
Testimony of Lisa McCauley Parles, Esq. New Jersey State Senate Legislative Oversight Committee Good Morning. Thank you for inviting me...
Services for Disabled Children: Funding Sources in the State of New Jersey
Denise & Lisa contributed the following article to the New Jersey Lawyer Magazine's December 2013 (No. 285) School Law Edition: ...
The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) Federal law mandating that all children, regardless of disability, are entitled to...
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