Lisa McCauley Parles and Denise Rekem Special Education attorneys

Professional info
Abbe has been assisting individuals with and families of individuals with developmental disabilities for over 20 years. She has been a DDD Support Broker, a group home manager, an agency social worker and an agency Associate Director. She is also the younger sister of a DDD client. The combination of Abbe's personal and professional experience in working through the challenges of services for adults in New Jersey make her an excellent fit for our company.
Some of Abbe's professional accomplishments include over one hundred successful DDD eligibility applications, benefits applications, and residential placements. Her strength is knowing the inter-relatedness of various programs and helping individuals and families navigate the ins and outs of maintaining eligibility.
Abbe has been in private practice since 2010 and is sought out by families all across the state.
Abbe is a licensed social worker with long experience in helping individuals and families access top notch mental health care and even at times, crisis services.
National Association of Social Workers
Bergen County Workforce Investment Board
BNI Member and Past Vice President
2010 - present
We have the Guardianship and the what's next? Presented in several forums including the CAPE Center.
Hosted housing solution forums for small family groups exploring innovating housing ideas.
2010 - present