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Parles Rekem focuses its practice on advocating, supporting and assisting children and adults with disabilities and their families.  The firm provides a full range of legal services aimed at securing the benefits and services that its clients are entitled to.
Special Education


The Individuals With Disabilities Education Act ("IDEA") requires all public school districts to ensure that all students with disabilities who reside in their district are identified, evaluated and provided with a Free Appropriate Public Education ("FAPE") in the Least Restrictive Environment ("LRE"). Districts are required to provide services and supports to enable each student to make meaningful progress in their educational program via an Individualized Education Plan ("IEP"). Likewise, Section 504 of The Rehabilitation Act of 1973 requires school districts to ensure that students with disabilities are provided with equal access to their education on par with their non-disabled peers. The accommodations provided to the student are contained in a Section 504 Accommodation Plan ("Section 504 Plan”).

Adult Services


Adults with developmental disabilities may be entitled to services and supports provided by the Division of Developmental Disabilities ("DDD") and/or the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Services ("DVRS")


AT Parles Rekem, we assist our clients in accessing the services and supports that they require including:


  • Eligibility

  • Day/Habilitation Program Budgets

  • Support Services

  • CCW Intense in-home services

  • Residential Placements



Transition planning for a child with special needs should begin to be addressed in the child's IEP by his or her mid-teens. It is critical to ensure that the child receives the services and supports that will lead to skill acquisition that allows him ti lead the most  self-directed a life as possible. The child with  disabilities should participate in the transition planning process to the greatest extent possible. ,


The attorneys at Parles Rekem consult with families to help them access community and school district supports and assist in developing a plan that fits the needs of the individual and the family.

Guardianship & Special Needs Trusts


Both guardianship and Special Needs Trusts are important vehicles for protecting children with special needs.  When a child turns 18 years old, in the eyes of the law, that child is emancipated and able to make his/her own decisions. When children have special needs which limit their ability to make decisions or fully care for themselves, emancipation can cause difficulties for their families in appropriately caring for them.


At Parles Rekem we assist families in securing guardianship for their adult children with disabilities as well as ensuring that they are financially protected.



The attorneys at Parles Rekem assist our clients in obtaining residential placements for their children that requires out of home placements. Both school age children and children over the age of twenty-one may require intensive in-home supports or residential placements.


Parles Rekem attorneys help navigate the complex support systems - both school district as well as state resources - in order to advocate for our clients.


Bullying/Discipline/ School Law


The Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights Act, requires New Jersey school districts to implement to follow specific procedures for preventing, reporting, investigating and responding to incidents of harassment, intimidation, and bullying (HIB) of students, both in school as well as off school premises.


The attorneys at Parles Rekem have experience interfacing with school districts to ensure that the law is being followed appropriately and your child's rights are protected.

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